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plastic or resin miniatures

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Joined: 03/27/2014

I have a prototype completed for a post apocalyptic game and would like to use miniatures but have not found much that will work yet. I would need ten character pieces with weapons other than guns or nothing at all and 15 mutated human like figures. Could also use monster or zombie like figures instead. Found a few at brother Vinnie but looking for something less expensive and possibly a couple of color options. Also must be 28mm or preferably smaller

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011

Have a look at The Game Crafter for the usual miniatures. Lots of fantasy, non-gun-holding figures here:

If you're cool with wooden parts, have a look at Woodworks:

...Or maybe American Woodcraft:

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Houses or Hotels

I'm interested in buying some "Houses" or "Hotels" like in Monopoly but made of WOOD. TGC has some kind on resin combo - not too sure about that.

Preferably I would like "Hotels" because they better represent a "Base". And that's what I need them for. Also I need them to be BLACK and WHITE. Black for the Nazi army (Stronghold) and White for the ally bases.

Sorry if I *hi-jacked* this thread... My apologies.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
TGC has zombies

jer1bil wrote:
Could also use monster or zombie like figures instead.

Check out TGC, there are NINE (9) nice looking (so to speak) Zombies:

And now we are back on topic! :D

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