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Print and play dials

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

Many fantasy flight games now have dials to keep track of information. Here are some examples from civilization and rune wars:

I also use similar mechanics in my game, but the only solution I found so far is to use a sliding token on a track like shown in this picture.

Th problem is that it takes a lot of space especially if all squares are 3/4 of an inch to be able to fit most generic components.

So I was wondering if it was possible for me to create dials for Print and play games. Since it's PnP, it must use very common components that people can easily have access, else the prototype will not be buildable.

The only solution so far is to use a paper clip. I have made a prototype as a demonstration here:

It seems to work OK and I might not be able to make very thin section like in civilization, but it's still better than the track.

I was wondering if any of you had a better suggestion than a paperclip?

infocorn's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
Naming Fail

I don't recall what they're actually called-- my art teachers always called them "brads," which, IDK, I thought were a kind of nail-- but there is a little coppery doober that has two small, thin "layers" underneath a nail-like head.

The thin pieces just fold out after being punched through. When my Sunday School was doing Exodus one year, we made EPIC Red Seas out of a mobius strip, two paper plates, and these "brads."

ilta's picture
Joined: 12/05/2008
Yes, I thought of those

Yes, I thought of those too!

A bit of searching reveals that Staples and Office Depot call them boring things like "Round Head Fasteners." They come in a variety of lengths and are pretty cheap and widely available, but I wouldn't expect someone to just have them lying around the home (though they could probably lift a few from their office).

They are very easy to use and are pretty much designed for dials and other crafty things. You can suggest a paper clip if the person doesn't have a few handy.

Alternately, a bit of clever paper folding can produce much the same effect, although it won't be very durable.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I asked the same on BGG and

I asked the same on BGG and they had a few good suggestions including brads. Still, I was not sure if brads were available for everybody. That is why I though using paper clips. I'll try to search in my area an see if I can find any.

Another person suggested using "eyelets". It seems interesting. I think I have some, I'll eventually make some tests.

infocorn's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
OBVIOUSLY KIDDING. :-D Well, just the last bit, really.

You know, if you're down for it, and people think just a tiny bit ahead, you could probably get away with pushpins into a folded/stack of papers, like a pad of post-its. Plus, someone MIGHT lose an eye, so bonus fun danger element added!

Joined: 08/05/2008
Any news

I need to prototype a dial with numbers 0-24.

Noticed they have a dial at the game crafter but that seem to be to small for my needs.

Anyone that have made a good prototype they want to share ?

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