So about 2 years ago I bought a HP Color LaserJet 2600n for about $350 and it still hasn't run out of ink; however, about 6 months after getting it it started to do a darker amount of ink down the middle of the page. Doing my research I found that this is the case with these printers, and fixing it is nigh to impossible unless you want to spend 5 hours of time with the risk of breaking your printer permanently. So I have used it as is; however, when prototyping my games, no matter how good the artwork is, the print stinks because their is a big streak down the middle of my cards.
So question is, what printer will not break and won't run out of ink for a long time and can print on cardstock.
So I have been doing a lot of research and it seems that the price range I am looking at just doesn't accept 110 lb cardstock. That is what I am mainly looking for, something along the lines of $120 that can print on cardstock...