I am looking for figurines to use for my game which is a game of labyrinths. The game squars are 1/2" and the board is huge. So I have been contemplating weather to use pawns, which are easy to get, or some kind of figurine. I have in mind the quality of figurines like the "Risk" infantry men. They are detailed enough, but vary simple. A step up from your basic pawn. Of course they need to be small with a base of 1/2 inch. See I don't want war-game style figures either because fighting is not the them of my game. I am looking for fantasy style figurines that do not bare weapons. They are initiates in a labyrinth; not fighters. So something that is not indicative of a certain period and not soldiers. Some of the characters from Lord of the Rings fit this ideal for me if only they aren't holding swords or bows.
Anyway, I am haveing trouble seaching for what I am looking for. Any thoughts or suggestions. I am willing to just do the simple pawns option, but I am always wanting better if I can make it work.
Great feedback guys!
MathewF I did consider these people and every time I look at them or somthing like them, they feel like baby toys to me. Pawns are great. Chess pawns are cool too. But for me, when I see a pawn slightly shaped like a person for example when they have a head and some resemblence of a body, they look like baby toys- too "Fisher Pricey"! Now, in Risk, the infantry have just enough detail that they still have a mature feel to them. So really what I am thinking about is a small pawn or Rick detail and better. And it needs to be 1/2" base or at least a "fat-half".
I have seen small chess sets that have small game pieces. That might be cool if I could find a place that has those, wooden preferably. And as for Risk Quality and greater. What do most game companyies do to get all their unique game pieces? Is there a basic simple process for getting figurines made? I am an artist so I have the advantage of not needing to hire an artist for anything. It may be out of my budget right now, but I want to consider all options.
Thanks guys!