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WIP Hex tile designs

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BenMora's picture
Joined: 02/13/2012
Wheat farm, Herd of Yaks, City (unfinished)

I'm working on the artwork for my hex tiles. Just thought I'd share. Aside from the grass texture, these images are all hand painted. City is obviously not finished.
EDIT: See the full quality image here instead:

BenMora's picture
Joined: 02/13/2012
Click "Original" to see full

Click on image then click "Original" to see full size

Traz's picture
Joined: 04/06/2009

Hand painted? What size were the originals? The shrinkage has lost a lot of detail. Have you considered enlarging the image for more detail?

Joined: 10/13/2011
Looking Good

I like these tiles; in particular...

They images look like what you claim them to be (although I have never seen a Yak herd in the real world...)
The primary color that is emphasized in your palette is different for each tile (i.e. one tile is basically yellow, one is basically brown, etc)

Will there be roads painted into the tiles? (just curious, I don't think it would be needed)

How many tiles will make a "set"?

Nice job!

BenMora's picture
Joined: 02/13/2012
Full quality image and more details about tiles and game

Traz wrote:
Hand painted? What size were the originals? The shrinkage has lost a lot of detail. Have you considered enlarging the image for more detail?

Sorry, here's a link to the image in better quality:
I guess I should have specified, "hand-painted" on a computer (using a pen).
The tiles will be about the size of the ones in Twilight Imperium, which I think are slightly larger than Settler's tiles, so there will still be less detail in print, sadly.

Orangebeard wrote:
Will there be roads painted into the tiles? (just curious, I don't think it would be needed)
How many tiles will make a "set"?

I could have roads but for them to remain perfectly seamless in any configuration then all of the tiles would have to have a road on every edge. I could do a road on only two edges per tile but then the players would have to manually set up the map instead of randomizing it. I'll mess around with the idea cause I like it.

So far the tiles I will have for this game will be: Wheat, Herd, Cities (various styles), Temples/Shrines, Empty (grassland, woods, mountains, hills, dirt)

You might be wondering what this game is. I will eventually post for critique my rules, which are playable, just need to finish my prototype. What I posted in another thread was the basics of the game:
Each player is a God. The map has various farms, herds, cities, etc with people all over the land. The Gods are trying to win the most followers to carry out their plans.

Joined: 10/13/2011
BenMora wrote:Each player is

BenMora wrote:
Each player is a God.

Sounds like you may also need a good supply of "smoking crater" tiles :)

BenMora's picture
Joined: 02/13/2012
haha! Indeed! Although I WILL

haha! Indeed! Although I WILL have various markers for "fire and brimstone", plagues, and blessings.

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