I've decided to do the next prototype for my game with The Game Crafter, this is going to be version 19 of the game and I'm hoping that version 20 will be the finished game!
So I'm rebuilding the cards a bit to fit TGC templates, adding bleed, going to full-colour, etc. I'm also trying to make them look a bit more visually appealing, since I'm going to be using this prototype for blind playtesting and trying to get reviewers to look at it.
Anyway I'm not primarily a graphic designer, so I'd appreciate any criticism of this design.
Those fonts are very 80's looking and difficult to read. Make sure you check the kerning on the fonts too. Words like "Stealthy" look to read like "Steal thy" because of the spacing issue with the font.
The "Loadout" and "Payment" headings seem to be lost in space .. what do they belong to?
The color choices seem off for the theme. I don't know the game, but judging from the text, the theme looks to be dark and gritty, while the colors are bright and cheery.
The two fonts I'm using here are Coda (the chunky one) and White Rabbit (the smaller one)
I'm quite attached to White Rabbit but yes I see the kerning issue, I'll see if I can do something about it or switch to a different font. I can ditch Coda for something else. It's helpful to have a fresh view on how legible it is.
I want roughly those hues of colour for the red and green (they add extra information about the flow of the card which I think is very helpful - these cards are pretty important to the game), but I could reduce the saturation to make it less bright.
Thanks for your input. I'll come back with a revised version soon.