Having the "great idea" is not good enough. You have to SELL the idea to a publisher... Convince someone at the other side that your "great idea" is worthwhile looking at. I must admit I did a somewhat poor job explaining the game "as it is". I was comparing it to other games - and I don't think that went over too good with some of the publishers...
But I'll let you be the judge how good my game really is, in the coming months - when I publicly release the rulebook for public review.
Then you can tell me if the game is worth more than just the 94% art test score.
I've shared the "Undead Viking's" honest opinion about our game - namely that there is (and I quote) "A TON of FUN in this little box." And that it USES Deck-building in a very creative fashion. This sentiment was also echoed by one of the publishers that was reviewing the game. As he put it (and I quote) "I like the idea of taking cards from my hand to 'configure' starships. I think that is a clever idea."
However you'll have to wait another couple months - before public release.
Some BGDF designers have already had a look at the rulebook - and I thank those who have shared their valuable input - in what I can call my "decent" effort at making a real game. So a kudos to you! I have gotten positive reviews for my rulebook as being well written and well put together. Remember it is 20 pages long.
The game is rather simple - but has a lot of concepts. Explaining this in under 20 pages with tables, pictures and diagrams proved to be very challenging indeed!