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Many tracks on one card

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Joined: 06/17/2021

I am currently working on an auction game. It is based on GOPS but with a couple of twists. The game is 18 unique cards but the game will require you to supply some d6 and a pack of cards for the bidding.
One of the twists is that you are bidding for one of three resources (colours of tulip) that change in value throughout the game, with players having to sell what they have won at the final price.
In order to keep to 18 cards I have to fit the "stock market" (i.e the 3 price tracks) on a single card. My problem being I need the prices to range a lot including negative points.
My question is it you think my solution is too confusing.
a card is divided into 3 tracks, 1 per tulip colour. Each track has 6 spaces. They are, from top to bottom, +12,+6,+0,-0,-6 and -12. You then use a d6 to keep track.
So no d6 =0
A d6 showing A 5 on the +0=5
A d6 showing 3 on the +6=9
A d6 showing 6 on the -0=-6
A d6 showing 4 on the -12=-16
And so on...
How much do you think I need to explain this? Normal tracks are very intuitive, but this is an extra step I don't know that people will work out without an explanation.

Jacob's picture
Joined: 03/04/2024
How about this?

Would something like this work?

"The Stock Market"

As you play throughout the game, the prices of tulips rise and fall. The current price of the tulips is tracked on the "Stock Market" card. When a price is changed by a die, roll that die and move the tracker that many spaces in the direction of the current price's symbol. Up for "+" symbols and down for "-" symbols. This also applies for the "+ 0" and "- 0" spaces.

You may also possibly try directional arrows instead of + & - symbols, as long as you get the point across that any number with a arrow is to be treated as a negative number.

Which ever you think would be easier to explain.

Hope this helps you!

  • Jacob
Joined: 06/17/2021
That is an excellent

That is an excellent explanation. Unfortunately you mix understood slightly. This was probably my fault, let me clarify.
This is just a way of tracking the current prices, changing the prices is done with another card and d6.
Effectively it's a normal track from -18 to +18 with Each square being 6 spaces.
So if you had a 6 on the +6 square you have 6+6=12. If the price went up by 1 you move the die to the +12 and change it to a 1, 1+12=13.
on the negative side having a 6 on the -6 means -6-6=-12.

Jacob's picture
Joined: 03/04/2024
Ah. I see. How about this?

If this card is used with the die to track the current price, then how about this description?


"The Stock Market"

As you play throughout the game, the prices of tulips rise and fall. The current price of the tulips is tracked on the "Stock Market" card with tracks and D6 dice. Each track consists of several "modifier" spaces. These numbers on these spaces are always added to the face shown on its die. AFTER adding the number to the shown die face, if the symbol to the left of that modifier space's number is a negative symbol (-), then the entire number is a negative number. When the price of a tulip is modified, adjust the die face sequentially in the direction of the price change, keeping in mind that the number you are adding to or subtracting from could be negative. If you end up passing the "1" or "6" die face, continue counting by moving the die up or down one modifier space in the direction of the price change and by setting the die face to "6" if you just passed "1", or "1" if you just passed "6".

Hope this explains what you needed!

- Jacob

P.S. If the price can ever equal "0", tell the player to simply remove the die entirely to symbolize 0 until the price is again adjusted, in which case the die is then added back.

Joined: 06/17/2021
Thankyou. This is almost

Thankyou. This is almost exactly it. As you can see I suck at rules explanations.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I'm glad Jacob understood ... So I will make a proposition...

Why not use Black Dice to signify NEGATIVE numbers ("-") and a White Dice to signify POSITIVE number ("+"). Like Jacob explains, having NO DICE means ZERO (0) and it also means that there is no confusion as to "+0" and "-0". Only "0".

Not sure if this helps ... But I think it lends to the mechanic just a bit.

Please let me know if I have MISUNDERSTOOD something because I clearly see that the use of two (2) Colored D6s make for a CLEAR distinction between Positive and Negative Values of the given dice.

Like I said, I may have misunderstood. You can confirm if I have!


Note #1: If you want the NEGATIVE numbers to be more REALISTIC or true to form like in a SPREADSHEET (and finances) ... Since it is a "Stock Market" simuliation (in part)...

Use BLACK for POSITIVE values and RED for NEGATIVE values.

And so "If you are in the BLACK..." means that you are CASH POSITIVE... And "If you are in the RED..." means that you are running a deficit and CASH NEGATIVE.

Perhaps that may seem more realistic.

The other point I wanted to make... Is if you DON'T INCLUDE the dice, simply state: "Use two (2) colors of standard D6s, one for POSITIVE values and one for NEGATIVE values."

But the BLACK & RED are more realistic when in comes to Financial Terms...

Joined: 09/06/2017
Alternative solutions

Alternative solutions:

Solutions 1: Have players record values and the changes with pen and paper. This will mean you will get back one card for your design.

Solution 2: Since you are requiring a pack of cards for bidding, can you you separate out a A-10 of black and red suits and use these to represent the values of the tulips. As questccg mentioned red could be used for negative numners and black for postive. If two tulips would have the same value, than the value that is changing would become the next a available value in the direction of change. This would limit you to values of -10 to 10 or you would have to use two cards to represent a value.

Solution 3: For each color, make 5 dice sized squares arranged in a row with the values 10x , 1,2, 3. Dice placed above the squares are positive and dice place below the squares are negative. For zero there is no die. For 1-6 the die is the face value and place above or below the blank square. For 7-9 the die is placed above or below the 1,2 and 3. For values with a magnitude greater than 10 place a second dice above the 10× square.

Solution 4: Have three sections one for each color, along the long edge of the card. Print a positive and negative in each section close to the edge of the card. Use the rest of the card as a track. Use 3 pairs of coins (2 pennies, 2 nickels, 2 dimes). Use one of each pair to cover the positive or the negative for each color, with most of the coin hanging off the card. This will indicate the color of the coin and whether value is positive or negative. The other coin in the pair will be used to indicate the value. If you don't have enough room, you can squeeze the numbers closer together and if move a coin would obscure a number it would move to the next number instead.

Feel free to disregard, use or improve upon.
Good luck with your game.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Another alternative

Leave a Black "Square" on the card faces of the Tulips and use a Dry-Erase Marker (or Pen) and write the VALUE of that card on it. The VARIANCE (Plus or Minus) can be directly specified on the Tulips themselves.

For example: +12, +9, +6, +3, 0, -1, -6, -9, -12.

IF a Tulip has this distribution of values, the Min/Max Value is "12". So the Tulip have the Step Value of "3" and let's say it's at "+6" currently. Write in the Box "+6", if its value goes down, erase the "+6" do minus 3 and get "+3" as the next value.

This means you need NO DICE, NO EXTRA CARDS only a Dry-Erase Marker (or Pen) and be done with it. Include the Dry-Erase Marker (or Pen) with the game. And have stat values something like:

Min/Max = 12
Step Value = 3
Current Value = +6

And then all you need is a Dry-Erase Marker (or Pen) to adjust the "Current Value" as NEEDED. This would require NO additional components and can be easily understood from the Tulip cards themselves.

I believe in keeping things AS SIMPLE as possible and to NOT make it confusing with Dice and Steps, etc. Just use a couple Data Points and a Black Space to correct and adjust the value.

Again if this doesn't sound like the direction you want to go in... No worries. But I think this is THE simplest solution TBH.

Cheers and best of luck(!?) with your game.

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