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WIP: Digital Roll n' Write: "Three Sisters"

Image of the work in progress here:

Working on a digital roll n' write for a friend of mine. This is called Three Sisters and is based on creating adjacent sets of corn, squash, and beans. I also have bees and stones in there to make things a bit more challenging. Eventually I'll turn this into a tabletop version.

Right now, the game is supposed to be about the length of a coffee break. I'm not looking for anything more than that at this point.

Half Chess Sets at The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Half Chess Sets - All Colors

In case you missed our announcement in January, The Game Crafter now carries Half Chess Sets in our board game pieces shop! The photo above doesn’t show all of the pieces in each set, but it shows all of the colors available.

These chess pieces meet all chess tournament standards and regulations. They are a standard staunton design and have a 3¾" tall King with a 1½" base. Half set with 17 chess pieces (extra queen included) and a felt paper base. We have 8 colors to chose from. 17mm Meeple included for scale.

Group Game Debrief: "Snowblowers + Lawnmowers"

At my day job, I teach employment skills and trade-specific orientation. This particular cohort focused on port-related industries, material handling, and logistics. I developed a game for the classroom that dealt with the concepts of wave-planning (the changing of demand for a good over time and/or seasonal demand patterns), supply & demand/market forces, and secret bidding. To focus on different commodities but still keep it simple, I decided to choose snowblowers and lawnmowers.

Headhunter Madness 2020

Headhunter Madness 2020 is a promotional game that we will be launching on March 1st, and it will run until March 31st.

In Headhunter Madness, all 160 candidates in the base game of Headhunter: Hilarious Hires from History will compete with each other until one of them is crowned the champion! In this case, the winner is the most likely to be hired.

Characters will be divided into groups that will compete in Headhunter style play, where everyone will vote on who they would rather hire for certain jobs, which will be randomly chosen from the game.

Monster Keep — Re-think about the game

So I know one of the mechanical ideas behind the game was "keeping Monsters" and therefore the name "Monster Keep" (MK). I've also learnt from playing the prototype, that the number of cards is too high and that the method of play is... by far not FUN enough because of all the MATH.

I had hoped that I could BLEND Fantasy with something like War! and come out with a very "take-that" kind of card game. But with the card count and all of the MATH ... Quite honestly, it just wasn't working.

Monster Keep — First Prototype

Alright ... so I've been patiently waiting for "The Game Crafter" (TGC) prototype to arrive. And well it did this morning at 10:00 AM! I was super excited to see what the cards, stickers and dice looked like. Here are some of my observations:

1. Dice Stickers are TOO SMALL.

Indeed it seems like the indented die is LARGER than your standard d6s. And the stickers that go on the die are SMALLER than expected. What does this mean??? Well I might need to go with CUSTOM SVGs to have my stickers done professionally at TGC.

New Board Game Pieces - Sheep

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Sheep

We added these sheep to our board game pieces shop! They work well in farming or resource management games. Because our supplier sends us a random assortment, we don’t sell specific colors. When ordering, you’ll receive a random selection of these 2 colors. 17mm Meeple included for scale.

NEW: Custom Printed Full-Color Score Pads @ The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter - Custom Printed Full-Color Score Pads Now Available at The Game Crafter

Great news! We can now make custom printed full-color score pads. They’re no longer stapled and are now edge-glued! They come in the same 3 sizes (large, medium, small) as our black and white score pads.

New Contest at The Game Crafter - Proto ATL 2020 Contest

The Game Crafter - Board Game Design Contest - Proto ATL 2020

The Game Crafter has partnered with Proto ATL 2020 to run a game design contest that will do final judging live at the convention. No limits on components, themes, or mechanics this time. Just a short time frame to design, a short playtime, and a small price. Details at

H&T: Arena, the Kickstarter Page

Not positive I can still share this in the same way, but my Kickstarter is "almost live". In around 2 weeks, I think.

It looks like this preview thing still works on the site.. if anyone cares or wants to tell me how awful the page is, feel free:

I haven't done the video yet, but it'll be in the same style as my previous two... which means I sit my youngest daughter down and let her talk. Probably needs a little more graphical content as well.

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by Dr. Radut