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Is this idea too close?

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Ok, I had an idea for a inexpensive paper minitures game that you print and put together yourself. (With the addition of a brad* you supply yourself.) and involved a spinning wheel with the unit

Is this idea too close?

General game mechanics cannot be patented. I know that Magic the Gathering patented the term "tap" when referring to rotating land cards 90 degrees in order to produce mana. Therefore, other games may still "tap" their cards, but they have to call it something else.

In the same way, I believe you can use some of the general concepts that are used in MageKnight if you can put your own creative spin on them.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Is this idea too close?

Actually you can patent both a mechanical device (which the clickable base is, and they have a patent pending on it) and game mechanics. I, too, fell for the oft-repeated adage that game mechanics can

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Of course Fastlearner, attourneys can have a field day defining "mechanics" in a court of law. You cannot patent "roll and move" for example, or even if the law seems to indicate you can, good luck. The trick is defining a the mechanics or ideas in such a unique way that there is no question.

Foolster41, I say go with the idea full steam, and if it

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I have nothing to say in this matter that hasn

Is this idea too close?

I actually didn

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