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Name My Game! (please?)

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Joined: 08/10/2008

I'm generally bad at this sort of thing, so I have a ton of "Untitled Dice/Card/Property Expansion Project (month,year.)" And frankly, that's getting annoying because I don't remember what I did when.

Here's the most recent thing I'm working on: two players roll dice of their color and place them on a bingo board with a neutral die in the middle. The player who has more of their dice in a row or column will score points if they have pairs, several of a kind or so on. However, a row or column with no matching dice will cause havoc for the owner as whoever has more of these "orphan" rows will lose half of the points accumulated in that round.

Any ideas will be taken into consideration, and many thanks.

Joined: 07/02/2012
Answered your own question...

You stated it right there in your description and it conjures up frantic chaos.
Simple, easy to remember and evokes names like "Trouble" or "Sorry".

Joined: 11/24/2009
Full if ideas

How about "Die Bingo Die!"? It works with the double meaning of the word "die" especially if you hate Bingo. Maybe I'm not very good at naming either.

ilSilvano's picture
Joined: 07/31/2008
Tango Alpha Bingo

I really like the name "Havoc", but as you can see from BGG there are already 3 or 4 games with that name.
Also, "Die Bingo Die!" is a nice idea, but (weird as it sounds) I am the author of a game published in Spielbox magazine called "Die Robot Die", so keep in mind that (old, and Simpsons-related) pun has been used already: ;)

Since your description made me think of a battle, what about: "Tango Alpha Bingo" (instead of "Tango Alpha Bravo", coming from this: ?

Also, something like "KABINGO!": it's a real place in Uganda, but sounds like "KABOOM!" to me, something exloding on the bingo board...

my two (euro)cents.

Joined: 01/02/2013
let's see...

let's see... :D

bingo or die?
bingo revolution?
bingo fusion?
Hit the jackpot?
Big roll bingo? (but I used google for this, it might be already taken)

ok, I'll stop here :D

Joined: 08/27/2012
some ideas

Although you are playing on a bingo board, it reminds me a bit of connect 4 and tic tac toe because of trying to make the lines and the possibility to screw with your opponent based on leaving their dice orphaned, especially if you place a single die at a time. If there is a high point scoring move like 4 in a row, 5 of a kind, or something like that, it might be a good name, or some snappy variant like 5 High, 5 Dice Straight, etc. Some other generic ideas are:
Pair them up
Lonely dice
Line them up
Line dice
tic tac die

Shoe's picture
Joined: 12/21/2012
what symbols will be on the

what symbols will be on the dice? regular numbers, or something custom. if they are 6 sided dice, a 6 letter catchy nonsense word a la QWERKEL and BLOKUS might be a good idea and then you can customize the dice to have those letters instead of BINGO.

jasongreeno's picture
Joined: 07/31/2008
Game Name


There's a listing for a game of this name on BGG but it seems to be a web published idea more than a actual for-sale product.

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