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Board Game Design Events @ Gen Con 2024

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The Game Crafter
The Game Crafter's picture
Joined: 06/09/2009

The Game Crafter is sponsoring 3 board game design events during Gen Con 2024 and 1 Gen Con Trade Day event. We’re donating a nice assortment of board game pieces, blank prototyping components and promo cards.

The 4 events are:

Smarty Pawns: Level Up Your Lesson Plans (Wed, Jul 31)
Intro to Tabletop Game Design (Thu, Aug 1)
Intro to Tabletop Game Design (Fri, Aug 2)
Rapid Game Design Prototyping (Sat, Aug 3)

Find links to all of these events at

Please note: We are not attending/exhibiting at Gen Con this year and that also means we won't be hosting our annual game night or community social. We are instead focusing on other initiatives related to manufacturing improvements in the areas of quality, throughput, and speed.

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