So. I have been working on a new dice mechanic.
And I want to return to work on my SpaceGame.
where a player has several fleets. A home planet. And can design their own ships by combining cards.
Some basics
A player can build up a ship design by combining several cards together.
A ship can have:
- a hull
- a shield
- a set of weapons (you need a special card in order to install another set of weapons)
- other upgrades
The total weight is simply adding up all the costs.
The H/D ratio is 2 to 1.
With a shield, the ship is very bulky.
So, a basic ship has a hull and 1 weapon.
A weapon has a basic accuracy of 50%.
But can have another accuracy, depending on the weapons that are chosen.
Since there are no real obstacles for both movement and attacks. The movement speed and attack range can have the same value again.
With a H/D ratio of 2 to 1. This means that each movement speed and attack range of 1, will add 50% to the weight.
The hulls with weight 1, will have their movement speed at 2, 4, 6 etc. For a weight cost of 2, 3, 4 etc.
The same is true for a weapons system.
As for a shield or other upgrades.
The cost of a shield depends on the movement speed of the hull. There will be a basic cost. And an additional cost for every X movement.
If the shield weight is only 1. Then the extra cost is 0.5 per movement speed. Rounded upwards.
A hull of 2 with a movement of 3 would weight 5.
Then adding a shield of 1 would be 2.5 to add. Rounded upwards, this is 3. So the total cost would be 8 now.
This is the most difficult math a player needs to be able to do. Perhaps I can add a little table to the shield. I do not plan to exceed a movement of 9. Nor for the attack range.
Weight and Value system
For the projectiles and hulls/shields. I want to go with a value set of:
Weight - Value
1 - 1
2 - 3
(3 - 6)
4 - 9
(6 - 18)
8 - 27
If you have 1 weapon, costing 8 and dealing 27 damage.
Then 8 fodder ships, costing 8x1, they have 8 hulls. You need 16 turns to kill them all.
The other way around... you need to hit with at least 54 projectiles of 1 damage each, in order to destroy a hull of 27.
Either way, I considered countering the triangular effect with a threshold mismatch.
And to top that of, I do allow for the defending player to sort the fleet in targetting priority, prior to a battle. Then, the attacking player can sort the projectiles if it can benefit from that.
So, from a mix, if all ships with hulls of 9 are used as front line. Then the attacking player may use up all projectiles with 9 damage.
As for cost calculations...the player needs to add up all the costs.
For the number of projectiles. We can have a maximum of 120.
The box contains a set of dice of 4 different colours.
3 dice; weights 1, Red with black
3 dice; weights 3, Yellow with silver
3 dice; weights 9, Blue with copper
3 dice; weights 27, Black with gold
The player counts the number of projectiles of a certain type.
Then selects the dice it needs. Thus for example, the number of projectiles needed are 80.
3x1, 3x3, 3x9 and 2x27 are selected.
The player rolls for accuracy. Then for the H/D of 50% as well. If the result exceeds 80, one of the dice of value 27 is removed. Any other result also counts.
There will be a little table in the manual that will tell the player, which dice can be used.
001-001: 1x1
002-002: 2x1
003-003: 3x1
004-006: 3x1, 1x3
007-009: 3x1, 2x3
010-012: 3x1, 3x3
013-021: 3x1, 3x3, 1x9
022-030: 3x1, 3x3, 2x9
031-039: 3x1, 3x3, 3x9
040-066: 3x1, 3x3, 3x9, 1x27
067-093: 3x1, 3x3, 3x9, 2x27
094-120: 3x1, 3x3, 3x9, 3x27
The map
I would love to have a hexagon map that represents a 3-D space map.
Then, when calculating the distance. I know there is a 2-D variant where they count 1 for adjacent squares and 1.5 for diagonal.
The same could be done on a hexagon map???
But what if your XYZ coördinates all 3 change?
1 directions; 1
2 directions; sqrt(2)=1.41 or 1.5
3 directions; sqrt(3)=1.73 or 1.75
I could also say, 4, 6 and 7. But rather not.