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Introducing Market Based Pricing

Market Based Pricing on Game Pieces at The Game Crafter

When it comes to all of the game pieces we stock at The Game Crafter, many of our suppliers vary their prices every time we order. Sometimes the prices go up due to material cost increase. Other times the prices will go down because we’re now ordering in larger volume. Because these prices are so volatile, we needed to update our system to reflect those changes more easily. The result is market based pricing.

You’ll see pricing variances down to hundredths of a cent. This change also means that all of our prices have just changed slightly. Some have gone up by bit, while others have gone down to match the prices we actually paid for existing merchandise. When we update the pricing, the date below the pricing will automatically change, and your games containing those parts will automatically be recalculated to reflect the new pricing.

Speaking of games. We figured you might want to take advantage of these kinds of calculations too. So now you can turn on automatic pricing and just set the markup amount that you want when you sell your game.

In this way, as you add or remove components from your game, the price will automatically adjust itself so that you have a consistent amount of markup.

Official announcement with screenshots:

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blog | by Dr. Radut