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Designing from a personal pool of mechanism

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
You need to do like @larienna suggested... Freemium Games

X3M wrote:
...Who knows how much money you can rack in with a commercials for rewards system...

You need a system that keeps the players coming back for more and with paid extras that increase the odds of getting more specialized or better content.

I personally don't like Freemium games ... But sadly they do make money. Give you one example: Pocket Pokémon. I play for free ... But at some point in time, I spent $5.00 CAD of real money to get an extra booster pack quicker because I wanted to do so... And had the option of spending $5.00 CAD to get it... And so I did PAY.

But I'm not like this addict that has to get all the cards and pay for all the "extras" like specialized coins, binders, mats, etc. Which some are exclusive to players who PAY to play.

However I am very aware of the CONCEPT ... It's just that I've never ever had the chance or even INTEREST in making such a game. The only game that ever came close to this was "Galactic Frontier" a Star Wars MMORTS which I had developed with the help of another guy who was heavy into playtesting Video Games. We knew nobody in Marketing or Sales ... So the project never went further than to say "No Unsolicited Material" at Lucas Art Games.

So yeah... That's not my niche (making video games mobile or otherwise).

Note #1: Also with regards to the Star Wars MMORTS ... That was just an Introductory Analysis Document which layed out some fundamental blocks in HOW(?) the game could be designed and how the Ladder Rankings would work in a "Soldier" Environment where there would be a ranking officer who would oversee smaller battalions of other "Soldiers".

It was a very COOL concept... But the project never got anywhere because there was nobody to "Champion" the idea (or at least someone who had sufficient connections to make it happen). That's usually what I see ... Is either you need a SMALL TEAM (Programmer, Graphic Artist, Videographer, 3D Modeler, etc.) and a LEADER (CEO/CFO) to help with the raising of funds to make the project a reality (with investment rounds into the product) and some kind of profit sharing scheme or investment ROI...

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