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Blank Poker Card Sale - Only 3 Cents Each!

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The Game Crafter
The Game Crafter's picture
Joined: 06/09/2009
The Game Crafter - Sale - Blank Poker Card Sale - Only 3 Cents Each!

The Game Crafter has a ton of blank poker cards right now and that means it's time for a sale! These are the same great cards that you know and love, (12pt, 320gsm, black-core matte card stock), but they are blank and ready for your creativity!

3 cents per card ($.03) is even cheaper than our normal 1000-card bulk discount pricing. So grab some before the sale ends on February 28 at 11:59pm ET.

Fun fact: We donate blank cards, components, and game pieces to around 70 game design events & organizations each year! It's another way we can give back to the game design community. :)

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