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Solo racing game: Stunt racing

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I had a flash yesterday on how to implement a solitaire racing game.

The first solution would be a kind of beat your time mechanism like rally man. But it's not that interesting.

The second solution would be to have a mix of super off road and Stunts PC game where you have a racing track with various stunts that you need to perform. The goal is to survive. Reach the end of the track without crashing.

There would be some metrics to keep track every turn like speed, grip, damage to the car, etc. The idea is to make sure the same stunt will not get cough at the same speed, control, etc. Where could be water that wet your tire changing how you car behave on the road.

Else I was thinking of using arena maximum card system, or something similar, to prevent optimal solutions and to have a replay-ability value of the same track. I would give each card 2 purpose to get a more interesting strategy.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
What about GTA2

Surprisingly there are no "Grand Theft Auto" Board Games. I was thinking sort of like the OLD "GTA2" with the TOP-VIEW and you can piece together AREAS be it in the City or Suburbs or Country. Could be Expansions ... The City would be the first edition. And when you leave your car, you're a Black Pawn. Police are Light Blue Pawns and their cars White/Blue with Lights.

Could call it "Crime Spree Autosport" (CSA) people will figure out that it's a GTA2 TableTop Version...

You could have LOCATION cards on STANDIES... And then POINTS-OF-INTEREST. And you have to follow routes (missions)...

Just offering some ALTERNATE inspiration.


Note #1: Here is the Downtown District Map of GTA2. Now while this is BIG and very detailed, you can use SEEDING and creating ROUTES with a LOCATION Type (Money, Weapon, Armor, Car, Garage, Choice) and then you TRY to run the seeded route...

Note #2: And BTW this GTA2 clone could be SINGLE PLAYER too. You against the game (and Police).

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