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Group dynamics

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Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008

I thought this was better as a "meta-citation": the link here is to a journal thread on the 'Geek.

But the points raised are interesting ones (the article is long but interesting, but the thread covers most of the main points well.). We have had a few 13-year-old munchkins, but they have rarely stayed around and they haven't caused many problems.

Indeed, I am surprised by how focussed this site has managed to remain really - I can't decide if this is because our particular hobby subsection is tiny, so no-one is likely to show up to try and wreck it ;-), or because of the amazing helpfulness of most users in trying to keep it that way.

Joined: 04/23/2013
Re: Group dynamics

Scurra wrote:
I thought this was better as a "meta-citation": the link here is to a journal thread on the 'Geek.

But the points raised are interesting ones (the article is long but interesting, but the thread covers most of the main points well.). We have had a few 13-year-old munchkins, but they have rarely stayed around and they haven't caused many problems.

Indeed, I am surprised by how focussed this site has managed to remain really - I can't decide if this is because our particular hobby subsection is tiny, so no-one is likely to show up to try and wreck it ;-), or because of the amazing helpfulness of most users in trying to keep it that way.

I haven't read the article yet, I'll try and grab it this evening. I am wondering if we've managed to stay on track because designing games might not be considered cool among the younger generation. That and I'm pretty handy with the ol delete button. =)


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