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I won't be able to host the chat tomorrow (24-March)

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Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

I have an usual Thursday lunch meeting, so I won't be able to host the brown bag chat ... anyone else able to?


sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Re: I won't be able to host the chat tomorrow (24-March)

Brykovian wrote:
I have an usual Thursday lunch meeting, so I won't be able to host the brown bag chat ... anyone else able to?

Unfortunately I can barely ATTEND the chats, let alone host them! Too bad there's no Topic line at the top like on IRC, or we could get away with a phntom chat leader :D

Anyway, I'll try and spark some conversation when I can, but I too have a lunch meeting.

- Seth

P.S. Is there a topic yet?

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