Hi guys, I am glad I found this website! Very informative.
I have a question regarding copyright. I am working on some Lord of the Rings games like crossword puzzle/card games and a boardgame for LOTR. I am wondering if I made the game (very small print run) and gave away copies (not selling), could I be held liable and sued??
Your question deals with the use of intellectual property. I'm not sure where you live, but I'm pretty sure that all Lord of the Rings properties have had their copyright renewed in most countries, which places significant protection upon them.
Even still, there is a certain degree of "fair-use" which may be applied to intellectual property. If you were writing a review of one of the LotR movies, you would be free to use the title and names of characters within the stories without any fear of reprisal. Your use (note: I am not a lawyer and this does not constitute legal advice) does not fall within the realm of fair use.
You are free to do whatever you like for your own purposes regarding the material, but when you distribute to others (even if it's free) you get into murky territory.
Does that mean that you're stuck? I doubt that Tolkien Enterprises would take notice of an individual making a small run of a game using their intellectual property. That doesn't mean that they won't and that doesn't mean that they wouldn't have a cause for action if they did, but there's a good chance that there are other much bigger fish that they're more concerned with.