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Interview with Anye Sellers

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Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008

There is a really good interview with Anye Sellers of Dancing Eggplant Games on BGG by Tom Vasel

Interview with Anye Sellers

Very cool interview, thanks to Tom and Anye and thanks to Dralius for posting the link.

This should be mandatory reading for everyone who is thinking about starting their own game publishing company. Some great insight!

Anye, if you're listening, I'd love to hear about your ill-fated first attempt at a board game design...

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Interview with Anye Sellers

Yes thanks for the link David ... and thanks to Tom and Anye for the interesting & valuable info.


Joined: 08/23/2008
Interview with Anye Sellers

Nice interview, interesting to hear Dancing Eggplant is moving toward a big-box game attitude over light, humorous fare. Thanks for posting it, Dralius,


Interview with Anye Sellers

I guess Tom has been busy interviewing quite a few people! I just read a few more in the "optimist" series, great stuff! Very good information from other game companies including an interview with Eric Hautemont of Days of Wonder and Silvano Sorrentino of daVinci (very good interviews).

Plus there are a bunch of other interviews with other important members of the game community!

Many thanks to Tom for conducting and making these interviews available!

Just thinking about it, maybe there should be a dedicated interview forum under BGDF General specifically for posting or linking to interviews...

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Interview with Anye Sellers

SiskNY wrote:
Just thinking about it, maybe there should be a dedicated interview forum under BGDF General specifically for posting or linking to interviews...

Or, perhaps a news category for front-page news items? Those are searchable archives as well (and, I'd say, underused).


Interview with Anye Sellers

Looks like Tom Vasel's been busy! He has posted 7 new interviews in his Interviews by an Optimist series on BGG including an interview with Jay Tummelson od Rio Grande Games (can you believe that Rio Grande Games is a company consisting of only 2 people?!?).

Also, someone on the geek posted the Stephen Glenn interview with Renier Knizia. This interview originally appeared on Funagain Games, but disappeared a while ago. It's well worth a read!

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Interview with Anye Sellers

Latest interview by Tom V. on BGG was with Frank Braham (link to interview), which includes the following:

Tom: For budding designers who have no such contacts, where would you point them?

Frank: The board game designer's forum or Protospiele is the obvious answer.



Interview with Anye Sellers

which includes the following:
Tom: For budding designers who have no such contacts, where would you point them?

Frank: The board game designer's forum or Protospiele is the obvious answer.

Sweet!! More and more people are making references to BGDF!

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