Hello all,
Like some of U might already read on a thread here on BGG
or more likely an already fastly growing thread on Boardgame Designers Forum:
I'm currently working on a game that should become THE Zombie-game, simulating exactly the nailbiting dillema's, thrilling action and
claustrophobic creepiness that many current Zombie-games lack.
I'm a professional photoshoper and I can do magic with the tools, but I need some help what material is concerned.
What I basicaly need is photos of furniture(the modular gameboard is a house viewed from above) shot in birds-eye-view.
This means sofa's, cuboards, sinks, baths, even tiles and floorboards-textures, kitchencounters....the works. Everything is usable that can be found in your regular home.
If you have a digital camera and can take a few photos and send them to me that would already be fantastic!
Apart from a big thank-you in the rules-booklet eternal fame awaits you.
To sample some of my previous work on a game, check the following links:
This is a serious project that will become a labor of love for me for the following months. I will invest alot of time into it to make sure
that it will become a fantastic game. Currently alot of people are brainstorming on ideas and mechanics and it is slowly taking form.
Take part in this project and help to make this game that extra bit more special. There is a lack of quality horror-games. This might be
the one to fill the gap.
Thanks in advance,