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Using images from the internet on a game okay?

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I am developing a game and I have been using pictures from the internet to help. Would I be in big trouble is I started selling the game with those pictures.

Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008
Using images from the internet on a game okay?

The short answer to this question would be: YES.

The long answer is: The person that created the images has the copyright. It doesn't matter where the image where published (newspaper, book, TV, Internet). It is the same law that protects your game from being stolen (copied).

It exist free pictures and images that could be used.

// Johan

Joined: 12/31/1969
Re: Using images from the internet on a game okay?

Embalmer wrote:
I am developing a game and I have been using pictures from the internet to help. Would I be in big trouble is I started selling the game with those pictures.

Yes, pictures are protected by copyrighted. So, unless you got explicit permission from the author to use the picture in your game, or if the author has explicitly stated that the pictures may be used free of charge, you could get in trouble.

- René Wiersma

Using images from the internet on a game okay?

I would tend to agree with what has already been stated here. It does bear asking what kind of images you have used.

Are they images of royalty free or public domain content (like old paintings, prints, etc.)? If so, that still does not meean that you can use another person's image. Even if the subject of the image is public domain (for example, a scan of the Declaration of Independence), the person scanning or photographing the subject has immediate copyright over their fixing of the image of the public domain subject.

If the subject is royalty free in nature, then you should be able to find some sort of alternate means of getting the image for free or reasonably cheap (check in clip art packages, etc.). Just be careful to read the license agreement carefully when buying clip art to be sure that there isn't some kind of print run restrictions on use of the images.

Just out of curiosity, does "Embalmer" refer to your job or just a hobby? ; )

Using images from the internet on a game okay?

What do people think about using copyrighted imagery to develop prototypes? Is it okay for just playtesting? Would you present the prototype to a manufacturer or would you clean it up by removing the copyrighted images?

Using images from the internet on a game okay?

I'm not a lawyer, but I don't see anything wrong with using copyrighted images for prototypes for either personal use or to send to a publisher. If the publisher wanted to produce the game and wanted to use the illustrations you used, then the publisher would have to get the necessary rights to do so. If you're self publishing, then that would fall to you to take care of that.

A similar question was brough up in this thread not long ago. Your only limit would be that you could not distribute the game in any way (even for free).

Using images from the internet on a game okay?

I agree with all that has been said here. Also, most importantly to your answer, SiskNY. You certainly could use these pictures as a comp/prototype. This is actually what I did for my AoM redo that I've posted links to on this forum. Each card for instance had 6-10 images collaged on them. All the online stock photo agencies count on designers to download their images for comp purposes. If the client buys off on the concept and images, then the designer purchases the rights to them (charging the client). If I were to do this AoM game for real, I might use what I did as the basis for a real artist to recreate. The same would be true for you. If the publisher liked the art, then they would either purchase it or use it as reference to be recreated in some fashion by an artist.

Hope this helps.


Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008
Using images from the internet on a game okay?

Actually this is not allowed either
See the pictures as music from a CD or a film on DVD. You are not allowed to do copies that either. Not even for personal usages.
The copyright law is the same for all artists (music, films, pictures and design of games).

// Johan

Using images from the internet on a game okay?

As a graphic designer, I can tell you that you can download images from stock photo agencies for use in comps to sell the client on the purchase of photos/film, etc. This is how they make their money. I copied legal from Getty Images – the largest stock photo agency in the world – below. As you can see, it specifally grant one time useage for comps with the understanding that if the client likes, they will buy.

There are low-resolution comping images, film clips, fonts, clip art items, animation clips or audio clips, (the "Low-Resolution Digital Media") available to aid in customers' purchase decisions. Licensor grants to Licensee, a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable right to use any Low-Resolution Digital Media obtained from Licensor on your personal or business computer. The Low-Resolution Digital Media may not be shared by creating a disc library, storage jukebox, network configuration or similar arrangement and you may not create a network of servers, either with or without a central location, which enables others to share the Low-Resolution Digital Media. All rights not specifically granted above are retained by Licensor(s). One copy of the Low-Resolution Digital Media may be made for backup purposes only, but may be used only if the original Low-Resolution Digital Media becomes defective, or is destroyed or otherwise irretrievably lost. Except as specifically provided in this license agreement, no Low-Resolution Digital Media may be shared or copied. The Low-Resolution Digital Media may be used in materials for PERSONAL, NONCOMMERCIAL use and TEST or SAMPLE use, including COMPS and LAYOUTS. The Low-Resolution Digital Media may not be used in any final materials distributed inside of your company or any materials distributed outside of your company or to the public, including but not limited to, advertising and marketing materials or any online, broadcast or other electronic distribution system (except that you may transmit comps digitally or electronically to your clients for their review) and may not be distributed, sublicensed or made available for use or distribution separately or individually and no rights may be granted to the Low-Resolution Digital Media

Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008
Using images from the internet on a game okay?

I liked the Getty Images page (have never seen it before). There license overrules the law (this is a way for them to sell there images). These images can be used in tests and samples.

// Johan

Joined: 12/31/1969
Using images from the internet on a game okay?

Have 2 questions that are on a slight tangent to this topic...

Would I be infringing on copyright laws is I took the exact composition of a photo but rendered the whole image digitally i.e. the composition is the same but the "feel"/rendering is different-?

What about if I took an image but changed several elements of the composition (eg. added in items) to significantly change the look of it-?

Heh... know you all aren't lawyers, but am curious on what you guys' opinions on this...


Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008
Using images from the internet on a game okay?

Now we would be in a "Catch 22" scenario of copyright.

You are not allowed to use the original images, but once you have done that the new image is yours (and you have the copyright to the new image (nobody else can use that image without your permission)).
If you wanted to use such an image without permission from the one that have the copyright to the original, I suggest that you first talk to a lawyer.

// Johan

Using images from the internet on a game okay?

Basically, what you're talking about is photo manipulation. We do this all the time in the industry. I'm afraid you need to buy all the images used in such a piece. I remember a junior designer just a month ago had to do an ad and picked about 50 faces from Getty that were photo collaged to form one image. Yes, we had to pay for them and when we inquired it turned out to cost $300,000! No kidding. The client loved the ad though, so the designer went back and did a new search for royalty free images. It then cost around $20k for that ad with 50 or so images. Two things to note: click the royalty free button and you'll get vastly cheaper images, $100-200 usually. Secondly, if you call to inquire, you better bet Getty will be aware of you and checking on you and your work. They're pretty good about that. All this said, if you take pieces of images and manipulate them beyond any recognition from the source, it is a matter of someone catching you in the deed. I'm not recommending this, it's still illegal, I think (don't know for sure), and it would then probably be a matter of someone reconizing a particular piece and calling you on that one.

Using images from the internet on a game okay?

Wikipedia is a good place to find images that are in the public domain- Presidential Portraits etc. are the kind of thing I'm thinking about.

Using images from the internet on a game okay?

cool. I didn't know about this one. I'll check it out, thanks.

Using images from the internet on a game okay?

fashun_diva wrote:
What about if I took an image but changed several elements of the composition (eg. added in items) to significantly change the look of it-?

Of course, this would still be legal if you were only doing it for your personal use or for a prototype that you were sending to a publisher!

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