I have been using five different eventcards, the first one in the pile has been flipped over so every player can choose to buy that one if they want.
It is also possible to buy unkown card from the pile!
We tried with two cards that were fliped over, and it was a total disaster, really boring. Thats the reason why i write this!
We played the game yesterday and the testgroup thought that it would be better to have all cards secret. It makes it a bit harder to know what card you are going to get but i feel that overall it will be more fun and exciting when playing with all eventcards hidden. There are only five different eventcards and three of are those are crucial to the game. The other ones are VP or small adavtages. This mean that you as a player has to take into account the presence of these three cards during the cource of the game.
The deck contains 12 *3 +2*5= 46 cards. It might be 10*3+2*5= 40 cards since i would like to use as few cards as possible. (This in an old thread)
You would like to know what card you are likely to get, with cards flipped over everyone ese knows about it too as long as you buy the one that is flipped over. With two card visible, this was a big drawback that i hadnt counted on. OK we havent tried it with more than one card flipped over before, but this whole thing made me think that it might be better to draw ALL CARDS hidden from the stack.
What do you guys think?
Alternative :
1. Draw two cards keep one!
Discard the one that you dont want to keep
Could this solve the problem, it might.....