Consider a game where the main mechanic is "push your luck" and you can bust and lose your turn (e.g. Port Royal).
I'm facing the impact of busting on the final scoring.
How can you balance what you gain by pushing and what you lose by busting?
Is it self-balanced and just up to the player knowing the probabilities and take risks, so that if he busts it's just bad play?
Or maybe is it self-unbalanced? :D
Is there anything the designer must take into account in that regard? Maybe total number of turns to lower the effects of each single busting? Some players could even bust every single turn... Is there anything you can do?
All your suggestion are well appreciated.
Honestly, and very sadly, i know probability math only on a base level.
I also lack in english language... what do you mean with "push your luck moment"?
That said, in my game you have half deck completely safe (say colored white), and half deck equally divided in, say, blue and red. You bust when you draw 2 blue cards, or 2 red cards.
The first drawn is always safe. If the first is a white, the second is always safe. If the first is a blue, you have 25% of busting on the second. If the second is a red, you have 50% of busting on the third.
You can never go under 50%, if we consider the deck so big that taking cards out will not affect probabilities, because white cards are 50% of the total.
These numbers are valid only at the beginning of the game, because players have the opportunities to buy cards that let them bust at 3 instead of only 2 on some colour, and so on.
When you bust, at the beginning of the game, you completely lose your progress on that turn and discard all the cards drawn. This could change if you buy cards that let you save something when you bust.
When you win, you gain some of the cards as resources, dependently on what other players have done on your turn (they could prevent you from winning every card you drawn). Generally, most of the safe cards should be blocked by the other players, and most of the risk cards should not. So the player should statistically win about 1-2 cards at the beginning of the game if he doesn't get very lucky (players have limited cards for blocking) and other players play against him.
I can't say if that's an equal win/loss reward... maybe you can