Okay so this will be a very simple question to answer, either Yes or No...
Do you think that each of the nine (9) Races in Monster Keep (MK) should have their own "Play Style"???
This is obviously in relation to the Special Abilities available on each of the cards which may affect the outcome of a "skirmish", act as bonuses or penalties, etc.
I'm a bit torn by this ... Because there are NINE (9) Races ... And I don't think I can come up with NINE (9) different "Play Styles"...
Right now that is my BIGGEST impediment towards going in that direction.
I need to reflect upon it some more... But I'd like to know what the OTHER Game Designers feel would be the best approach???
Comments/Feedback/Questions/Concerns feel free to reply.
This is what I have and considering that each Race has about fifteen (15) cards... It's not as "impossible" as I might have thought.