Can anyone give me some pointers when coming up with a card template, whether its a TCG or cards for boardgames whatever
Tips I'm looking for such as
ATK,HP,STATS location
pros of having borders or no borders
Type of text for card effects
character type, race, class icons etc and the best placements
Design of cards such as colours and shapes to form a neat design template
Just something that helps the cards look professional
Thanks for the tip, i just like to show you an example of the progress i made with my TCG even go far to change the game completely twice
So my first game was called Minimon fusionz. The mechanic is basically all monsters have a sacrifice ability and also have the ability to fuse with another monster to become a stronger monster. I played this game with my brother but told me it was too confusing. Here is a sample of the first card
I then revamped the design into this
What made it confusing for my brother was the mechanic of strength and weakness, each monster had a different attack stat depending on what is on the opponent's field
The card back and logo of my first card game
So i ditched that idea and created a whole new game called Minimon worlds, I got a lot of backlash from my TCG community on Youtube because the design aspect was too similar to a TCG called Chaos Galaxy, which the biggest TCG in our community right now. I didn't think it would be a problem since the creator doesn't own the whole planet design aspect thing. When i was young before youtube and the internet i used to draw fantasy planets with weird plains and interesting lands
I actually made a few versions of the card until i was happy with the final design
The first design
The seconds design
Apart from the planet design (i actually called my planet, world)
It was very different from chaos galaxy
I had a mechanic that you have 3 different monster cards that do different things
Attack monster cards, defender monster cards and support monster cards, and also the monsters belong to a certain world so you can make a deck out of which planet you like to build around, also each planet had a different gameplay mechanic from each other, so you can choose which planet suits your play style.
Moving on.
With my 3rd game revamp i decide to drop the word Minimon and changed the game to Monster Summon, this has been so far the most successful as it is more known to our community and i actually played it on tabletop simulator with a couple of random strangers and also a member of our community. (It is still in the workshop on steam)
I went through a few design aspects also as this is the first
And the redesign
and the logo and back of my game, which i still like
Even though i do like the current design, i still think it needs another redesign but i still like the current game mechanics, its just doesn't look very professional, it could be due to my lack of creativity i dunno. Even though it has been my most successful, it is still not good enough for my tcg community, it is on their radar and they know about it, they just don't really care and i don't think they want to support my game. I have bought many cards from the TCG community on the game crafter and i made pack openings of their cards on youtube, a lot of the community does that and they buy and open each other's packs, i just wish i could get the same support as i have supported them. The community is what keeps me motivated to create more but if i get no support then i lose motivation. So maybe why my game is so unsuccesful is because the card design looks too childish, unlike chaos galaxy, resolution breakers and wrath of cores, they each have a professional quality
Only thing i like and will keep is the color background of the monsters, and the monsters themselves, the rest i can change