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Advice for player action

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Joined: 04/18/2013

Senior Scurry is a racing game that I'm currently working on. My inspiration for the game has come from Mille Bornes and the Battletech Heat mechanic. Unlike Mille Bornes which is just card based, Senior Scurry will involve a modular board to move on. I want the game to represent the fact that you are racing senior citizens. I find Mille Bornes bogs down by the draw of the cards, so I want a player to have the ability to decide how they will move and play each turn.

The idea for the game is the more a Senior moves in a turn, the more fatigue they feel which will affect how far they will be able to move in subsequent turns. Fatigue is a sliding scale broken up into 3 sections, green, yellow and red. If you are in the green Fatigue zone, Fatigue is fully recovered, yellow zone 10 fatigue is recovered and red zone only 5 is recovered. Fatigue level has max value of 25, for example.

What I am looking for is some advice on the actions during each players turn. These are the 4 ideas I have so far:

1) Players draw a card, and play a card. The cards involved could be movement cards of various values, or cards that could affect other players or yourself. Fatigue recovery is automatic at the start of the turn based on the fatigue zone the player character is in.

2) Players have 2 actions they can perform each turn including: movement cards of various values, or cards that could affect other players or yourself, or fatigue recovery. Any combination of actions can be made.

3) Players have 2 actions they can perform each turn including: (movement cards are eliminated)set movement values of 5, 10, 15, or 20 can be used, or cards that could affect other players or yourself, or fatigue recovery. Any combination of actions can be made.

4) Players are provided 20 Action Points to use during the game movement cards or set movement values require Action Point use, cards that affect you or other players use action points. Recovery of Action Points at the beginning of the turn is dependent on the Fatigue level.

I was hoping BGDF could weigh in in what the best approach is, one of the above or other ideas.

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