Does anyone think that perhaps aggressive actions might be a bit off-the-mark for a family game?
The space game I'm working on allows players to 'go after' each other, even attack their ship, even though in most cases this comes with a penalty. My feeling is that this might be too confrontational.
The more work I put into it, the more it seems to be drifting away from family material. Not that this is bad, per se, but I might have to re-think my audience.
Thanks everyone. You gave me a some new ways to think about the subject.
I was mostly worried about younger kids feeling picked on if they repeatedly became the target of someone playing a pirate role. However the consequences of losing a battle seem to be much less than that of Dread Pirate.
@ The Magician
Interestingly, my girlfriend who I get to help me test stuff, ALWAYS wants to be a pirate, or aggressive PvP, if given the option. Be it board games or video games. Then again, she's not your typical female, either.
"So I'm making this game where you can take on different roles, like a trader, explorer, military..." (cuts me off)
"I wanna be a pirate! I'm gonna nom people! Nom nom nom."