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Components: Print and play on poker chips

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I don't know why I did not think about it before considering that I build up a complete set of "Hero Scape gear" home made expansion.

The idea is to use poker chips and stick in the middle of the chip a round tag that would contain some informations. In hero scape gears, it was used to add equipment to you characters that you can buy or find on the battle field.

I just thought that for making print and play games with these chips could be very interesting to do. The best solution would be to print of avery label sheets and cut the circular tag yourself. Somebody told me that avery labels are not that much adhesive so I don't know if there is a better solution.

Anyways, this kind of components could allow to make games like diskwar. I also had another war game idea where the top token contains unit informations, and all other tokens in the stack represent a certain amount of troops (in other word HP) each time this unit get damaged you remove chips. I also thought I could place special effect on these chips like: morale lost, disorder and confusion, etc. Finally, it could also be used to make print and play easier. Mounting on thick cardboard and cutting afterward is a pretty long job. But cutting and sticking on poker chips is not.

Right now, I am not sure if there is a universal power chip size for the interior of the chip. If for example, I want to make the tags 3/4 of an inch wide, I want to make sure they fit on almost any kind of poker chips. I know that there are new heavy poker chips out there which has a large interior. If it is somewhat universal, that would leave even more space to place information.

What do you think?

Willi B
Joined: 07/28/2008

Clout is/was? a game played entirely with poker chips... while it was a collectible game (which I thought would die out quick), it showed that such games have merit and could be more than a gimmick. I see no reason, outside of cost, to not consider poker chip usage.

Joined: 07/27/2008

I'm considering it, in fact, for a couple of my designs.

I think it is a nice solution. Using 'indented' chips would prevent stickers from being removed. And you save the cost of printing the chips (expensive).

However, if your game has a lot of chips, it can be a bit tiring for the costumer to put all those stickers. So I'm focusing on games of around 50 chips max.

Joined: 12/01/2008
Bingo Tokens

You can also do something similar with bingo tokens, and round Avery labels.
I forget the size (3/4"?), but I know there is at least one combination where the tokens are the same size as the sticker.
I use these extensively for testing, but it could have a place in print and play as well. It's quick and easy, and you don't have to cut anything.

Another thing you can do for even smaller parts, is to use blank pre-cut 1/2" or 5/8" counters (like the kind used in wargames - they come 120 to a sheet in blocks of 20 for the 1/2" variety for about $2.50) and print off graphics on paged sized label paper. Cut and stick the graphics onto the counters (blocks of 20 at a time) and then finish cutting the counters out. This is more time consuming, and can require a steady hand, but again, this is great for testing and looks pretty professional too.

Does this thread belong in the prototyping forum?

The Magician
Joined: 12/23/2008
Poker Chips

I love your idea! I have mounds of poker chips floating around the house. Don't know why I didn't think to do that. Thanks!

InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008
Yet another chip game.

coco wrote:
I'm considering it, in fact, for a couple of my designs.
It looks like a lot of us are moving in a similar direction... One of the games I'm pitching at GTS 2009 is totally chip-driven. It's a quick-playing game targeted at young boys.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Quote: You can also do


You can also do something similar with bingo tokens, and round Avery labels.

Does round avery labels exist?

Joined: 12/01/2008
larienna wrote:Quote: You can

larienna wrote:

You can also do something similar with bingo tokens, and round Avery labels.

Does round avery labels exist?

As I said, I've used them extensively, so yes.
3/4" round white multi-use lables
Avery #05408

Joined: 08/06/2009

On a related note, does anyone know where I can find some cheap poker chips with a large flat center (For the sticker)?
I would like to be able to put a 1" sticker on the chip. So far the best ones I have found will only take a 3/4 " sticker.


Traz's picture
Joined: 04/06/2009
Chips? You want chips? I got yer chips RIGHT HERE!

You can get custom chips [1 color prininting] here:

And you can find 'not too expensive' chips in bulk on ebay. And if you cruise the Dollar Tree often, once or twice a year you can find inferior poker size / style chips there. They're not great to sell, but if you've got a game that can use prototypes, they rock pretty good.

pelpo's picture
Joined: 05/26/2009
round labels

On they sell round labels for discs

home->tools labels -> labels for disc
price is 0,50 euro for a sheet of 60 labels 25 mm diameter,
they also have the drafts for Word, Corel Draw and others

btw, they also sell smaller round labels 10 mm diameter.

Good luck!

john andy (not verified)
Over the past year Full Tilt

Over the past year Full Tilt Poker has gone through some changes, and the only thing that seems to be affected is their support department. With that being said, as many of you know I have an "inside" line of communication, and I can usually get things done rather quickly. I don't play much online poker, but when I do I play only at Full Tilt. The Omaha H/L games are better there than I have seen anywhere on the Internet, at ALL levels. Transfers and Withdrawals are usually very timely. The nicest thing about Full Tilt poker is that they advertise the people who are backing the site, and with that knowledge and their reputations it would seem that it is definitely the safest place to play.

live roulette online

Joined: 08/12/2009
larienna wrote: I also had

larienna wrote:

I also had another war game idea where the top token contains unit informations, and all other tokens in the stack represent a certain amount of troops (in other word HP) each time this unit get damaged you remove chips. I also thought I could place special effect on these chips like: morale lost, disorder and confusion, etc.

I played around with the same idea before, have not really implemented it. One problem that I can foresee is that stack may get a little too high and get toppled accidentally. Discs with magnets in them may help, but I figure they are difficult to find. Another problem is that the user has to always count the stacks or see what colours it has (representing different effects).

One alternative is using dice to keep count of the HP, while effects could be represented by glass gems.

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