So I have 2 ways of damage reduction, that are possible for my wargame.
Both are based on the damage die roll.
Which can result in 0 to a maximum of 4. The die itself has 001234.
By plating:
With a number of maximum 3 to any negative number is possible. The weight of the health would be as following;
Plating 3, weight 10
Plating 2, weight 10/3
Plating 1, weight 10/6
Plating -1, weight 10/15
Plating -2, weight 10/21
Plating -5, weight 10/45
Just to give some general idea's.
Plating requires less health points. Which would make the game simpler. All the player has to do is adjust the ammount a damage die rolls.
By weapon modifier:
Some weapons can have modifiers against certain attributes.
These work in the same way. Also from 3 to whatever negative number it wants.
Seems to be impossible. Since it would bring imbalance. Unless I keep track of a limited set of possibilities. The weapon modifier has multiple uses. But the plating is a much simpler concept.
Maybe consider the plating as an attribute? Only effective if a weapon has a certain attribute?
What would you advice?
Both is not an option.
But keeping that in mind. I have to design from the basics in baby steps.
In other words. I start with normal weapons and a plating of 0. Then slowly add small modifications.
For a first impression:
Plating levels range from 0 to 3.
I know the weights now for my weapons. But the numbers aint beautiful.
If the default weapon weights 40.
1 tier lower is 14 1/3.
1 tier higher is 81 2/3.
If I change the plating levels. The default level changes predictable. But the tiers of weapons are strange.
0 to 1, default 20, other 2 tiers 11 and 31 2/3
0 to 2, default 30, other 2 tiers 14 1/3 and 51 2/3
I figured that if I remove plating 1 and 2, yet leave 3 in. The numbers are nice and round.
If I change the weights, this too, is the case. But the default weapon will have preferences towards certain plating. Namely 1 and 4 OR 2 and 3.
It is all complex. But it is obvious that BOTH, will not work.