Anyone know any games that feature a grid or hexagon board where pieces are generated and perhaps move around and collected during the game. I'm thinking of something like dogs herding sheep. Thanks in advance.
herding mechanic?
In my current Work-In-Progress (WIP) titled "Monster Keep" (MK) players "conquer" opposing units in a grid (not hex but square) and those conquered units "drop" LOOT. Players have a Lord/Lady meeple they move around the grid and collect the LOOT to try to win the game.
Differences are that:
1. It's a square grid (5x5 or 7x7) which varies per players.
2. It's not about herding, it's about collecting LOOT.
3. There are different types of LOOT. Not just "sheep".
Similarities are that:
A> Players have a Lord/Lady that you move around to collect LOOT.
B> Collecting LOOT is the method by which players WIN the game.
So there are some similarities and some differences. But I don't think I've seen this done on Hexes before. But clearly there are a LOT of games that use Hexes.
Maybe someone else can chime in with something closer to what you are looking for (or not looking for ... which would mean it's more novel).
Note #1: And just to tell you, I too took a look at what was "out-there" to see how novel my own WIP was. And it turns out, I have seen some things like Carcassonne that feature tiles and meeples on top...
I can't say that some of that game served as inspiration... Maybe more on the tile laying side than the "Tactical" LOOT collection.
Carcassonne Expansion: Hills & Sheep.
Again this is SQUARE tiles, not hexes. But you can see that there are Herders (Meeple) and tokens (Sheep). Not sure how you play. Just figured that I'd show this to you, so that you could take a closer look.
This to me sounds like Settlers of Catan, no?
This to me sounds like my own game, "Monster Keep" (MK). Each player gets three (3) Action Points (APs) and can use them to move around the play area or collect Loot from conquered units.
Like I said, sounded a bit like Catan to me. You build roads on the edges of the Hexes, not sure about movement (I think that's like in an Expansion), where you can move your Knight or Lord.
I took a look at El Dorado... And yeah it uses Hexes and Cards. But not really that "impressive" of a game IMHO. I also don't really care for the Deck Building aspect either TBH.
I got the impression that you had something ELSE in mind??? El Dorado is a racing game (trying to be first to get to the end)... I guess a "herding" game might have a "racing-element" too (first one to collect the most sheep)... But at the same time ... There needs to be some element of risk (it can't just be to collect) because otherwise I think the end result would be a BORING game if all you did was COLLECT.
Maybe you could have like a "Robber" in Catan which would be a WHALE. While the WHALE in on a HEX, players cannot eat fish from that HEX. Players would take turns controlling the "WHALE" and it would control the pace of the game just a little bit.
How do I know this? Because in a way your design idea is SIMILAR to my WIP "Monster Keep". And I am using TRAPs to control the pace of the game. What I mean is that BEFORE "Traps", players could move and collect the LOOT they wanted (according to their Action Points). But this was a bit BORING...
Too easy IMHO. So I thought of adding "Traps" which would use DICE-action to add more depth to the game. So now if there IS a "Trap" the odds of collecting loot are 42% in favor of the player.
Also combined with the "WHALE", you could have "SHARKS" which simply eat up ONE (1) Food per turn. Another way of controlling the pace of the game. You could have a RULE, it takes 2 Dolphins to control 1 Shark. And when two (2) Players collaborate, they can "evict" a SHARK from a HEX so that they can consume the FISH.
Just some additional ideas. My Tactical Layer to my own WIP is rather similar (in some ways only)...
Any ideas on moving around the outer edge of the grid/square. Ideally, it would be based on card play involving hand management with perhaps a a hand size limitation. I’d like players to be able to move, say 1-3 spaces per turn and maybe switch to the other side of the board on occasion. The only game I can think of that has clever hex movement with card play is Kinizia’s El Dorado but I’m not interested in deck building. Thanks again