Currently into designing a game where area control is one of the victory conditions.
Its a 3-5 player game so you could expect up to five different players in each zone.
There are two winning conditions for the game, where one condition is that the game ends if at any time a player is controlling half of the zones that can be controlled.
The other winning condition is more traditional and probably more likely, you play a fixed amount of rounds and then the calculation of victory points decides who will take the win.
There are som many creative solutions to how to calculate VP´s in this kind of situation, i just wanted to get this communitys input on whats their favourite way of doing this, which ways are plain boring ? which are funny ? Which are most cutthroat exiting ?
Any input or comments appreciated.
I should add that theres no hidden information at all, and that players will get VP´s from other sources aswell but the area dominance is the key to winning.
I have posted a reply that seems to be missing but i´ll try again.
Im not ready to give away the theme just yet because i think it could ruin the creative process when discussing.
All information is visible.
At the start of the game player are allowed to distribute up to 13 "buildings" during the start up phase.
There is a "construction phase" where one "building" could spawn another "building".
There is just one type of building and all players" buildings" are the same when calculating VP´s.
However the 20 different zones that makes the game map are not equal.
There are 4 different zones, type A,B,C,D
Where the distribution is 5,5,7,3 they are at this point worth an equal amount of VP´s.
However 2 of the four zones are more difficult to produce "buildings" during the "construction phase" due to negative modifiers during a die roll that occurs during "construction phase".
I have found that this difference sparks the long term strategic thinking, my first thought was to diversify the scoring VP´s from zone to zone but playtest show that it seems to be a good idea to keep it same.
It demands more of the risk/reward thinking from players.
There are a phase we can call it "battle phase" or "death phase" where i use a rock-paper-scissor mechanic to see which "buildings" that will survive this game turn.
This makes it more interesting or uninteresting to inhabit places that certain players already inhabit.
More comments or ideas are really appreciated.
How do i make it more interresting, fun ?