I'm designing a RPG-Strategy board game and was needing some input.
Currently the game allows 2-5 players. Each player represents either a Hero/Villain that is in the service of one of five Demi-Gods he/she can choose from in the beginning. Throughout the game a player has a chance to gain positive or negative karma depending on his/her actions and choices.
I have the "Karma" scale set from 5 (Highest) to -5 (Lowest) and 0 being neutral (Beginning Karma). Karma eventually unlocks different paths, abilities, and connections w/ various Factions and Kingdoms. With this said, I was going to have a "Quick Reference" chart embedded on the main board (side) w/ the various factions listed.
Should I use cut-out (paper stock), circular discs to represent the player's Demi-God (Kingdom) on the various Hostile, Neutral, and Friendly slots? Or does anyone else have a better idea. The whole idea is to give the players a quick glance on their standing w/ different factions or even with another player's kingdom.
Thoughts and suggestions more than welcome.
Perhaps "Karma" was the wrong term. I should have coined it "Fame" or perhaps "Reputation."
Basically what happens is when a player performs a negative deed, or a nefarious crime like slaughtering a village of innocent people, he/she would receive negative points and vice versa for doing good.
Players will have certain options open up to them considering their "Fame/Infamy" level. These options could range between unique quests, new units, tribute, etc. The mechanic is basically a way for a player to gauge his/her "Hero/Villains" realm perception.
Although at the end of each "Fame/Infamy" spectrum, there will be advantages/disadvantages to each. More detail will come later, but for now I'm just seeing what most think about the generalized view of having this mechanic.