When using a bucket with dice.
Let's say, 19 dice are rolled.
What would be a proper way to NOT sort them?
A die roll yields 0, 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Enemy soldiers have 5 health.
Once the 19 dice are rolled:
Players aim for having 4+1, 3+2, 3+1+1, 2+2+1, 2+1+1+1 and 1+1+1+1+1.
Such that in this example, 6 soldiers will die.
But I don't want them!!!
I want the dice to remain in random order.
And it has to be fair and trackable!!
Yet rolling the 19 dice, 1 by 1 seems like a tedious task. What are my other options here?
And I was sleepy while working on several problems.
I edited the above post. Hope the question makes more sense now.
There are situations where one or two soldiers are targeted. I figured out that their relative health is like 22% higher than tanks.
But with group fights, player tend to sort their dice. Which will only have this relative higher health on the last target.
I have been thinking.
What if the attacker should simply declare how much it aims at certain targets? But then the game would be slowed down as well.
Another way is throwing them into a box. And without looking, put them in a row.
Or simply let them sort them out any way. But let them sort the dice from high to low. Forcing even more overkill.