I had 2 game ideas recently that somewhat use a concept that is the opposite of deck building. It consist in having a deck where the more you play, the more cards you lose and the thinner your deck becomes. The first idea is similar to duel masters/magic the gathering, the second idea is similar to a combination of summoner's war and Lord of the rings confrontation.
Both ideas seem to share the concept of summoning monsters into play, but one of the problem is that I have to define a way to manage creature cost to make sure weaker creatures are placed first and strongers are placed afterward.
The first idea is to use a system like duel masters, you sacrifice cards into your Mana zone that will become "lands" for the rest of the game. So as the game progress, you have more mana available allowing you to summon stronger creatures.
My second idea was that you discarded card to generate mana for summonnning other cards. When your deck is empty you reshuffle (Or maybe there is no reshuffle). The problem is that stronger creatures could be placed right at the beginning of the game. I though of making stronger creature give more mana when discarded so that a strong creature could make you summon many small creatures, or you will need to discard many small ones to summon a strong one. I am not sure if mana could carry on from a turn to another so that a player could accumualte mana to summon strong ones.
Since my second idea use a battlefield, having strong creatures at the beginning of the game should not be so bad because that will means that you will have less creatures in play so you will be able to cover less territory. Than having many small creatures. So I think it will create some sort of balance.
I asked the same on BGG and people came up with very funny theme.
One thought of a Survival game.
Another about being the first player to bankrupt his company.