Ok here is the gist of the game.
There are 6 main areas that take several turns to move between since you need to go through other areas to get to them. The players are trying to manage resources and gain enough power to stop the random villain from achieving his/her goal. The villain is chosen at random before each game. Each has a different win condition.
The game is Co-op and the 6 main areas have 3 card slots each.
Every turn an event will be drawn and goes into the appropriate area moving any cards that are there to the next slot. If a 4th card is added to any location the bad thing on the card that slides off happens with any negative chits that it accumulated due to other actions.
End of every turn an encounter is drawn for the current location of each player.
Some key elements in this game are that characters can advance or decrease in skills though only slightly (margin of 3 better or worse minimum 1) since at some points in the game a character may need to start back from a new character if they died. So to cut death back I have limited advancement to only a few points.
Now I'm trying to think of some mechanics on skill checks etc.
I'm trying to think of some unique way to apply skill checks. The ways I know best are as listed below from other games.
Arkham horror - roll dice equal to skill level and successes on 5-6
Betrayal at House on the Hill - dice have only 0-2 pips per side and you need specific numbers for certain things to happen.
Minion Hunter - Roll a die add the skill to the die roll. Depending if easy, moderate, or hard you get double result, the actual result, or half the result respectively.
Battle Star Galactica - Play cards from your hand with numbers matching skills(colors) associated with the task and get equal to or above the number needed.
I'd like to hear some other ideas keep in mind the characters will have 4-6 skills each and those skills may vary throughout the game.
Also I'm thinking there should be something different to stop the cards on the main areas so players aren't always doing the same thing, but I'd like some ideas if anyone has any.
Actions are a good thing to add so that each character is different. I was thinking of something similar for them so there will be lots of re playability.
For the events I do like the action point idea you gave but I need to think of a way that perhaps more than one card can be removed in a single turn. I'm leaning towards some type of resource gathering through encounters throughout the board then spending resources to eliminate different threats.
The negative chits that are added to cards are added via player discussions of areas. Any time players talk about an area or a strategy and are not on the same space they must place a random negative chit on the card closest to the left with the fewest chits already on them. This is in play to have the game having some knowledge of player plans as long as the players are contacting each other via phone. This is due to wire taps in the game. The players are investigating a city so unless they are in the same area they cannot make any information they find or gain without consequence. The system is still a bit wonky so I might need to make minor changes to it.
There will be encounters that involve skills on the spaces that are not the main spaces. Through these skill checks there will be rewards or sometimes penalties for failing.
Building on the action point idea perhaps have resources worth certain values and you need to roll under the amount of resources you discard. Allowing someone who is not on your space to discard resources and you only getting half the total worth rounded up of the discarded resources added to whatever you and anyone else on your space discards. Then you make a roll on a d10 and need to roll under that number.
I could take it farther and have 3 colors of resources which could signify Physical evidence, Interviews, & Rumors. Each event might be only subject to certain colors. These cards could also have some other effect like maybe one could be worth 4 Yellow but you can additionally spend it to move 3 spaces (normal movement is only 1 space so that could get you to some other threat but that 4 yellow might be really beneficial to someplace another player is.
The feel of the game I'm going for is a horror theme set in the modern day. Some form of conspiracy is happening depending on the villain and win and lose conditions depend on the villain you are against.