I have a global domination style war game. I originally envisioned it as something very classical for combat resolution. Each unit type has an attack and a defense number and you rolled your target number on a D10. After much play testing and research I have a working fun game everyone who has played has enjoyed but I also have started thinking the combat mechanics may feel dated and unappealing to some people. So I have put thought into different styles of combat mechanics. I still feel dice are the way to go but am considering a custom dice system and would love real feedback on it.
The game comes with 3 dice styles
Damage - These dice produce "hits" ranging from 0 -3 and a bonus that can be a hit or a block
Block - These dice produce "blocks" ranging from 0-3 and a bonus that can be either a block or a hit
Bonus - These dice would produce 0-2 bonus effects that count as either a block or hit but have a greater chance to have a 0 result.
Each unit type will give a player the option to use 1 of at least 2 types every round of combat.
So an aggressive unit may allow 2damage dice or 1 bonus die while a defensive unit may allow 2 block die or 1 bonus die and a more balance unit may all 3 bonus dice or 1 of either block and damage.
Essentially players would roll against each other match blocks to damage then apply the excess to both sides.
Hopefully that is clear enough. Thoughts on this system and its viability are appreciated. In the interest of perspective for the application I want to use it for try applying it to Axis&Allies , a rules set many will be familiar with and much better than me trying to explain my own.
I apologize for the lack of key information, I probably jumped the gun even posting it as I hadn't really dug deep myself into the idea. The die would be a d6 as you say figuring probability is already getting complicated enough with choices, more faces to a die would likely only be worse. However I think your right as I originally saw this I think I am just added complexity for no real value.
My idea was to give players the option to be more aggressive or conservative with their forces in a relatively easy system that does not bog down play. I should probably step back and rethink the whole thing. I am sure there are options for fast combat resolution that would fit I am just not seeing anything superior to the simple roll for a target number and remove right now.