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Aces! Rules Review and Critique!

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markgrafn's picture
Joined: 03/01/2015

Hello again,

I've been working on Aces for some time now and I am at the point where I would like to share the rules with people, but before I do I would like the wise minds on this forum to take a look-see and warn me of anything that may be taken harshly by others.

This is not a stylized version of the rules and I am looking for anything that doesn't make sense, anything that I may be missing, or simply any suggestions.

Thank you all for the help!

Joined: 04/14/2015
Mark up

Above is my markup on yours, which includes basic grammar and punctuation and such.

I don't play poker, so I may not be your target audience, but things like the difference between 'pocket and hand' I wish were explained, as well as how to lay out cards to start.

Further, I don't know what 'enough space' means when you say to set up with 'enough space' as I've never played the game before. Letting me know I need to have enough space lay our 10 cards in front of me... is better.

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