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Is anyone interested in purchasing a bulk amount of prototyping bits?

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Joined: 01/06/2011

I have the following available:

15 mm yellow discs - bags of 50 each, $5 (Total of 1,250 pieces that I will sell in bulk too if you need a few hundred)

8 mm cubes - bags of 50 each, $4, (# of Bags available by color - 18 blue, 11 red, 12 white, 38 green, 29 purple, 23 black; I will also sell these in bulk quantities)

21 x 21 x 5 mm squares - bags of 20 each, $5 (these are Catan: Cities & Knights walls, # of Bags available by color - 9 black, 9 red, 10 "mixed", which is 10 red squares and 10 black squares; again, willing to sell in bulk

Bits holders - These are 3M plastic electrical tape holders, measuring about 3" across and 3/4" deep, with a snap-on lid. They hold approximately 150 of the 8 mm cubes. I have about 300 available, at $0.50 each.

Reply here if interested.

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