Hello Everyone,
I'm working on my rule book (ugh), and I wanted to know your opinion on repetition. Is it okay to repeat elements multiple times in different sections to hammer the message home? For example, if you talk about a creature's abilities that happen during a specific phase of the game, can you write about it again when you go over that particular phase? Also, in regards to referencing keywords and icons, would you highlight these every time it is mentioned or just if it appears for the first time on a each new page? Or what is your method? I was looking at the Enchanter's rule book (I attached a link) and every mention of the icon has the icon appear on the page. This feels a little excessive? Like on one page you see the monster icon 8 times. What are your thoughts? Thank you in advance.
Thank you guys, yeah I figured too much repetition would be troublesome, I just wasn't certain. I've looked at a lot of rule books, and that Enchanters one really threw me with the amount of repetition.