Hi friends!
I got my new game on Kickstarter and it's already 95% funded.
I blog to help other designers out at http://www.gatekeepergaming.com/kickstarter-advice-columns/, and here I humbly ask you to consider supporting the new game!
Thanks for taking a look.
John Wrot!
Sorry for the delay here.
Thanks to everyone for their comments!
@Elkobold - This game actually costs $45,000 to produce and ship. I've posted it clearly in the goals. The notion that these games cost $10,000 to produce and ship is part of what is killing Kickstarter and exactly what I exist to fight against.
People post $10,000 as if that's enough because they've never done the research and then can't fulfill! That results in more people who "got burned on kickstarter" and therefore less people that trust the platform.
PLEASE don't encourage people to lower their funding goals. PLEASE. If you want to know how much a game costs to produce and fund on Kicktarter, do the math yourself here: http://www.gatekeepergaming.com/article-7-2-budget-detail-by-detail/
I'm $12,000 invested in this project personally. That is to say, that since we just funded at $26,000 if we raise no more money, I LOSE $12,000!
But it's this exact mentality of "Oh, I saw other people do it for less" thing that I try to fight by posting REAL goals. The only reason I allowed myself to post that confusingly low goal was because I also chose to clearly state how i'm $12,000 vested in and point out that we don't break even until $45,000. Until you price out a game and art and shipping and marketing and custom dice (yes, they're custom), and all that yourself, you really can't be telling people to change their finance goals. Seeing what other Kickstarters do is not research.
This sort of stuff only confuses people around you, and causes more negativity toward responsible and accurate goals, and thus turns people away from THE BEST and SAFEST projects they could possibly back.
@Professor - Hey buddy! Good to see you again. Speaking of Jamey Stegmaier, he liked our goal, our investment, and our transparency regarding our investment so much that he even featured it on his blog here: http://stonemaiergames.com/4-current-kickstarter-projects-with-unique-st...
Gosh I hope this clears things up for a few people. I find myself talking about this at least 5 times a year somewhere. I hope I've converted a few more to a financially responsible mindset here regarding the reality behind funding goals.
Best to all!