Hello everyone,
I've been working on the artwork for an asymmetric horror board game for the last year or so and it finally went live on Kickstarter last week!
Deeper Darkness is an asymmetric 2 player board game that pits a highly trained team of German soldiers against an ancient evil they have inadvertently awoken.
When playing the game as the soldiers, there is a focus on managing health and sanity levels as they try to complete their objective as their mental state has a direct effect on the power of their opponent, Nithodeus.
Once a soldier loses his sanity, his stats will change and begin to power up the enemy.
As Nithodeus, warping reality for the soldiers by manipulating the 40 card event deck will ensure they are constantly on edge and on the brink of madness.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adeeperdarkness
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Deeperdarknessgame/
Thanks for the kind words, Chris!
I discovered the work of Stephen Gammell relatively recently but when I was approached to work on the game, I knew I wanted to use a style that had that same sort of disturbing, otherworldly quality. It's just perfect for the subject matter of characters succumbing to madness.
In retrospect, having a gameplay video at launch would have been a good idea, but I'm planning to put something together over the next few days to demonstrate a round or two of play.