Fellow Designers,
I'm pleased to announce the launch of Kris Kycia's Tradewars ~ Homeworld (TWHW). While Kris has been quite active on the Forum (and me to a lesser extent), I'm taking the opportunity to make the announcement about our Kickstarter launch at 10 a.m. this morning. For the past few years I've served as the developer for TWHW, editing and refining the rules; setting-up more than 100 separate play-tests across three dynamic groups of awesome playtesters in Philadelphia, PA; Washington D.C.; and Fort Walton Beach, FL.; and shaping the game in a fundamentally different way than deck-builders which precede it.
While the notion of a deck-builder has remained similar from Dominion, through Ascension and Thunderstone, and lately seen in Star Realms and Hero Realms, Kris has carved out a separate path as a deck-builder which includes several clever changes for game-play, including the ability to:
1.) Retain cards after discarding for use/purchase
2.) Combine cards for lasting effect ("S'+"W"+"C")
3.) Shape their own Homeworld "market"
4.) Use turn-defining Roles to direct actions
5.) Utilize Tactics cards, mitigating the fog-and-friction of combat
If you're looking for a fast-playing, edge of your seat deck-builder with a sci-fi theme where asymmetric factions vie for supremacy...please check out our KS for Tradewars ~ Homeworld (Preview Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/outerlimitgames/1307607545?token=84...)
Joe Pilkus
TWHW Developer
We've had an excellent launch and I'm incredibly thankful to all of those who have provided any level of support for TWHW!
@The Odd Fox: Thank you very much ~ we've had an awesome first 1/2 day as we're well over 50% funded.
@entwater: Thank you very much...look forward to catching-up with you over in the Comments section
@Squinshee: Thanks! It's great to see you here.
@ElKobold: Thank you very much ~ after having developed the game for the past few years, I'm so happy to see it getting into the hands of folks around the world.
@Glass shoe games: Thank you...we're so excited to have this game, with all of the beautiful artwork, available for all!