For those that play or have played roll playing games Iām wondering what genres are your favorite.
Favorite Genres
I guess I'm a very classic guy...
I am a Warhammer ( 3rd ed. ) GM and love Cthulhu too.
I love some cyberpunk sci-fi matrixy stuff.
I'd love to play a good steampunk rpg.
It's funny - To answer this, I have to make a very deliberate effort to not conflate mechanical systems with genre. That said...
The RPG campaigns I've been in whose genre I like the most have been cross-genre campaigns. The core of the campaign introduces a MacGuffin that lets the protagonists transition across time, space, and realities to other genres. This enables cross-genre mashups like Wild West & Geiger Aliens, Fantasy wizards and Victorian vampires, etc. I typically make my own campaign for this, but Atlas Games' On/Over the Edge is a good commercially published cross-genre setting.
I often create "artifact of the week" campaigns where the protagonists are moderately empowered individuals tasked with seeking out, neutralizing, and recovering powerful plot devices. Imagine "Friday the 13th: The TV Series" as an RPG and you have a good idea of what these campaigns are like.
My preferred homebrew RPG campaign setting is a cross-genre "artifact of the week" quest.
I'm also fond of campaigns set in alternate histories. Again, I typically make my own, but I also really like Deadlands (the Wild West one more than the Dark Future one).
I like magical realism, like the worlds that The Sandman and other Neil Gaiman stories occupy.
...and I'm always ready to throw down with some Lovecraftian horror: Call of Cthulhu, Chill, or Kult.
I recently played in a short Eclipse Phase campaign, set in the future on the edge of Singularity. That had a lot of interesting genre tropes and was a lot like playing in a Verner Vinge novel, so that had a lot to recommend it.
I'm curious: Why do you ask?
Kickass reply man: sounds like you were more than ready to answer this! I like your "artifact of the week" idea as well btw, similar to like an x-files monster of the week thing: an artifact that does X and Y and must Z by A must be attained / destroyed / handed over or something?