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How does subscription work here?

3 replies [Last post]
tuism's picture
Joined: 01/14/2013

I subscribed to a thread, and didn't get any kind of notification when there's new posts in it...

I'm used to the BGG system where there's a next button that jumps me between newly updated subscribed items, but I don't see that here.

So how does the subscription functionality work around here?

Thanks guys :)

tuism's picture
Joined: 01/14/2013
Hi... So, does anyone use the

Hi... So, does anyone use the subscription feature on this site? XD

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Send sedjtroll a private message

I would ask "sedjtroll" the administrator (Seth Jaffee). This is a relatively NEW feature they just added around January or so.

He may be able to best explain how "Subscriptions" work.

I've been on the board for a few years and have not used the feature myself... I just don't want all kinds of messages cluttering my inbox!

But for others it works, so ask him!

tuism's picture
Joined: 01/14/2013
I just discovered that it

I just discovered that it sends email to me which I filtered out to a newsletters thing due to unsubscribe link, so I guess that's how it works :)

Thanks quest :)

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