Hi, thanks for having me at BGDF. I am a media-composer from the Netherlands and really like to get more in touch with the game-design scene. While I probably know most every media composer in my country and in Germany, I'd also love to meet more designers. I hope this forum will be a good source to get to know you -> designer folks :P
About me: I got my master degree "composition in context" (media composition) at the HKU in Utrecht in 2007. I started my company AudioRally with my sounddesign-partner Aline, to storm the market. We have had some gradual success, scoring the music for a Red Bull commercial, doing a feature film in Portugal, but my heart is really with gaming. We got involved with "Mijn naam is Haas", a dutch children game-series. While it's a game about learning language and is currently only available in the Netherlands it was successful. I scored over an hour of music for the game which was really well received. I really like to expand my portfolio and work on other games too, so I was wondering/hoping you have some nice idea's and projects going which I might be able to join?
You can find my portfolio at www.paulvanvulpen.com or specifically the music I did for games:
I've got a great studio, a big library of musicians I work with and am an experienced orchestrator. I really hope you will have a listen to my work and hit me when you feel I'd be a match for your game.
I thought this was the Board: Game Designers Forum, but now that I see more and more post about board games, did I misunderstand and is it actually 'Board Game'-designers? :)
edit: Our posts crossed, but you answered my question, whoops, I really misread the name of the forum hehe. Well I like to play board games, so I'll stick around anyway.