So it has been a pretty intense 6 months of designing and playtesting.
I have pushed pretty hard to make a working prototype before Essen Spiel this year.
An original idea formed about 6 months ago. I knew I could get the graphic part right. I think I have gotten it right, the mechanical problems have proven to be more of a challenge.
Fortunately I had some gamers willing to test the rough prototypes. I cannot see how I could create anything without these guys. The main thing I have learned is that a designer can do nothing without play testers...
Perhaps 3 weeks back I have felt comfortable enough to request a demo table at the Essen fair.
Surprisingly there were booths still available and I have received an application form that read 'submissions close in May'
: )
So I pushed further in order to finish the nice working prototype. Also felt compelled to release some information about the game before the fair. Just recently I have managed to put together some videos presenting the game.
This is what I wanted to show, the links are at the end of this entry.
However right now I feel that I should have done a more exciting, 10 minute teaser style presentation with music, rather then a boring 30 minute rules explanation. I feel like I have missed it, failed to excite and underrepresented the battle system.
So the last 2 or so months my prototype was played rather enthusiastically. Always felt that it needs work and balancing but it seemed fun enough. The Essen deadline came fast, I have recorded the videos while feeling sick, begged the BGG admins to approve the game quick enough and published it all on BGG.
All I got so far was like 60 views of the video and some comments regarding the title. No feedback regarding the game whatsoever. It feels a bit awkward that this large volume of work and passion is met with silence, I did not know what to expect though. And like I said, perhaps I missed it with my first presentation. Or perhaps a lack of comments is a good thing?
So right now I am sort of trying to regroup and think what to do next. Lets see what is going to happen at the fair, never been there. Actually looking forward to the fair. Hopefully more then 60 people will stop at the table. The first release/presentation experience on BGG is a little scary though.
So hey, perhaps you guys could give me some feedback?
Or comment on the D&D&D title, potentially provoking law suits with Hasbro? Would they really have a justification for it?
The videos:
Looking Good!
Hi Madyoss, I'm new to the BGDF and 'serious' gaming in general, in fact this is my first post, but from what I have seen of the first D&D&D video, your game looks solid; great graphics and design, as well as really thought through game play mechanics.
Whilst I think you are right, in that your video could have been a bit more polished (the rec/pause clicks do jump out at you as a viewer), I think it gives a great introduction into how your game has managed to successfully bridge (what I consider as a newbie to games) to be the divide between the imaginative yet often esoteric gameplay of roleplaying D&D and more inclusive strategy based board games. For me it looks like your approach has real potential.
I just wanted to offer a few words of encouragement and salute your hard work and effort.