We’ve been on a real hot streak lately for releasing new products and we wanted to share one of our coolest new creations with you! While it may seem like a basic product, we think it solves a huge problem and has tremendous utility.
Watch our 1-minute product video at https://youtu.be/OXfUBfRn-_s
Haha that's great ;)
I realize this is a joke, but
I realize this is a joke, but there's a solid idea in there. A dungeon that rolls out like that could make for an interesting game.
Glad you liked it!
Thanks Jonathan. :)
yep, we've been hearing that
There are several comments in the Youtube comments for that video and quite a few have already agreed with your statement. Funny how a silly little joke can inspire some new ideas. (and I guess a few people have already been toying with the idea... although I'm assuming not with toilet paper!) We were trying to make people laugh but we'll take inspiration as well. ;)
Over the years, many companies have presented these great April Fool's items...great job!
Thanks! Glad everyone is enjoying it. :)