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The Game Crafter's "Village in a Box" Kickstarter Experiment is now live!

Village in a Box - Kickstarter Experiment by The Game Crafter

The Village in a Box kickstarter is now live and already funded in just 2 hours! We’re trying a little experiment by bundling a bunch of games together for this project. Visit the Kickstarter page to learn how you can support up to 8 different indie board game designers!

Village in a Box is a wonderful game at a remarkable price. In it you’re an impoverished medieval noble trying to build a decent home for your miserable subjects. For just $15 you can get the game shipped to your door. And as part of the Kickstarter we have multiple stretch goals which enhance the already wonderful game even more.

But I also said there were other games in this campaign. There are eight in all: Village in a Box, Dungeoneering Dolls, Overlords, Trade Fleet, Railroads, Monster City Planners, Starship Battles, and Noueni. If you want all eight you can get it for a breathtaking price of just $89 including shipping! If you don’t want all eight, you you can use add-ons to pick just 3 or 4 games. These are all great games, that we played and loved enough to want to bring them to you. But you don’t have to take our word for it. All Us Geeks, Gamer’s Remorse, and Father Geek have all been reviewing games in this bundle.

The designers who built these games have all been pouring their blood sweat and tears into this campaign. Not just in originally designing the games, but also producing content specifically for the Kickstart campaign. They’ve also been tightening up the game play of each of their games, so that you get the best possible version of each game. So hop on over to Kickstarter and pledge your support for these designers and their games!


Congrats on the success!

I've been watching the total pledges shoot up throughout the night. Each time a take a break from the programming project I'm working on, there's a significant jump in the pledges.

Hope it continues to go well for you over the next 29 days and 19 hours :P And I hope you've got more stretch goals planned - it looks like you'll need them!

$2500 Stretch Goal Unlocked - Here come the double-sided tiles!

Thanks for the reply CGB! We greatly appreciate it and look forward to the days ahead. :)

Good news everyone... The Game Crafter is now going to have double-sided tiles! We have successfully reached the $2500 goal for this. Here are the details:

When we hit this stretch goal we will make all our tile variants at The Game Crafter double-sided, right now they are all single-sided. That probably isn't going to surprise anybody, as it's something we've been trying to work out since we launched tiles last year. But the thing that is specific to this crowd funding effort is that we will make the double-sided tiles a free upgrade! All tiles going forward will be the same price as they are now, only double-sided! This is the most requested feature we get at The Game Crafter so it will make a lot of people very happy.


Update on our experiment!

We are now 44 hours into our campaign and it's been amazing to see all of the support coming in for our indie game designers. So far our experiment is proving that people will buy bundles of indie games. The most popular reward tier right now is the Big Bundle of all 8 games and we don't expect that to change by the end of the campaign. (granted, Early Birds are limited to 50 backers)

Here's what we have been able to accomplish so far in just 44 hours:

184 Backers
$8,007 in funding (534% funding)
#1 on Kicktraq's Hot List for about 28 hours, currently in #4 position

$2,500 - Double Sided Tiles (TGC community stretch goal)
$5,000 - Water in a Box (Village in a Box expansion)
$6,000 - Large Square Chits (TGC community stretch goal)
$7,000 - Large Hex Chits (TGC community stretch goal)

200+ Copies Sold - (When each game sells more than 200 copies, the box will be upgraded to thicker/nicer stock)
$10,000 - People in a Box (Village in a Box Expansion)

Overall, we think this has been a big success and we're excited to see how it plays out. The indie board game community has really provided a lot of goodwill and support towards this project and it's a huge help. We'd like to thank everyone for helping us spread the word and for supporting indie board games! Stay tuned for other updates in the days ahead.

PS - One of our community members, Jaron Frost, is currently Kickstarting his game, Villages, and he's having amazing success! $48,000 in funding with 17 days to go. This is a guy who was just self-publishing at The Game Crafter and then finally decided to put it on Kickstarter. Anything is possible these days folks so keep the faith and the sky is the limit!

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